Anime & Sci Fi Society

Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Anime

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About Anime & Sci Fi Society

Anime & Sci Fi Society:

In this society, we deal with all things Anime, Sci Fi and Fantasy related. We run all sorts of events from quizzes and game nights to cinema and convention trips. When arguments break out between any of the genres, you can be sure we will be hosting a debate night to argue the sides.

This society allows you to meet others with similar interests. We'll support you in venting your frustration over mid-season/end-season breaks, the loss of your favourite characters and the inevitable heat death of the universe. We are the the society that will do almost anything, once we can relate it to our collective interest in Sci-Fi, Fantasy or Anime so if there is something members want us to host we are willing and eager to provide and support. :D 

The society maintains a library full of novels, comic books and manga available to all of our members.

We welcome new members all year round, just come along to our weekly events and join our discord!

Current Committee 4
Co-President Neza Murenzi
Co-President SAMUEL
Public Relations Officer AALIYAH NICOLE
Vice Librarian SALLY TOBIN

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