Lego Society

Best New Society
Winner 2023/2024

Think It, Build It!

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Lego FAQs
What events do you usually hold?
We host a weekly 2hr Build N Chill within college hours, which are usually themed. We also like to collaborate with other societies to do pop quizzes or film nights or other specific events. Our annual events include The Great Lego Build Off (competition) and Block Party (Lego marathon).
Will this be a competitive society?
No, you can be a master builder or a follow the instructions kinda person, all levels are welcome :)). Just relax and have some fun!
Do members need to bring any Lego?
Members won't need to bring any Lego, we provide all of the supplies. You can come along and build whatever you imagine with us!
Awards Roll of Honour
2023/2024 MU Award: Best New Society
2022/2023 MU Award: Best New Society
About Lego Society

Welcome to Maynooth University's very own LEGO Society! 

Whether you're a LEGO fanatic or just looking for a space to build, destress and make awesome friends, everyone is welcome! We hold weekly "Build and Chill" hangouts where you can build to your heart's desire and chat about all things LEGO! We will also be holding larger events throughout the year such as fundraisers, challenges and tournaments so keep an eye on our socials!!

Our goal is to provide our members with a place they can come to and escape from the chaos of everyday college life. So whether you're a LEGO architect or complete beginner, don't worry! There's something for everyone :))

Current Committee 10
President LUKE THOMAS Muldoon
Vice President/ Secretary MYKYTA
Alumni Representative Ciara McMahon
Equipment Chairperson AMY GORMAN
Equipment Officer TOM
Ordinary Committee Member Kaylee Bailey Bromley(She/Her)
Ordinary Committee Member SARAH MC NAMARA
Public Relations Officer (Web) SAOIRSE ANNE O CONNOR

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