Catholic Society

Defendere Populum Dei

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About Catholic Society

"I have come to spread fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already blazing!" - Luke 12:49

Are you a Catholic University student, or someone who is interested in the faith? Do you find it difficult to find a space where you feel comfortable to be Catholic freely, or do you feel alone in your faith? Well, that's what we are here for! We know that college can be a difficult place to live out the faith, and so we want to create a welcoming and fun environment that people can come together to pray, have fun and to form good friendships. We hope that, here, students will have an opportunity to grow and journey with other students in the faith. 

As a society, we hope to be able to hold regular activities and events throughout the year to help foster this sense of community and belonging. There will be different events to suit peoples tastes, ranging from music, to Adoration, Mass, lunch meet ups, hikes, and other social gatherings. Our main activity will be to host the Youth2000 weekly prayer meeting on a Monday evening from 8-9:30pm in the Salesian's chapel on North Campus. This will include, Adoration, Rosary, Music, Gospel reading and reflection, followed by a social after. We are very aware that this may not be feasible for some students, particularly commuters, so we also hope to arrange a number of activities that will run during the day-time to suit. 

If you are very into your faith, or only partly into it, or even only thinking out it, please come along to our events. You are more than welcome and we'd love to see you! 

God bless, and hope to see you soon! :)

Current Committee 4
Chairperson Collette Sherlock
Secretary Rachel Harries
Vice Chairperson and Public Relations Officer (PRO CATHERINE HONAN

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