American Football

Maynooth University Hurricanes

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Awards Roll of Honour
2021/2022 Best Club
About American Football

A club founded with the goal of playing, watching and discussing American Football. We currently participate in the AFI Flag Premier Division and also organize monthly blitzes, anyone can participate and previous experience is not required! The club hosts a Superbowl party, and other seasonal events such as on Thanksgiving . We also host multiple social gatherings like madden tournaments with food and games. It is open to fans of every level, so come down and enjoy yourselves. The club hosts training sessions every Monday 3-5 and a game day walkthrough every Friday evening both held on the phoenix astro pitch, they are very informal and anyone with an interest in American Football is encouraged to attend. On top of this we play weekend games against other colleges and teams from across Ireland. 

Current Committee 5
Captain Luke McIntyre
President James Harkin
Vice-President JOSH
Public Relations Officer Colm

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