Volleyball Club

Best Club Executive
Winner 2023/2024 (JACK MALONE)

Best Club
2nd Place 2023/2024

Best Poster
3rd Place 2023/2024 (Women's Tournament )

See you in court...

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Volleyball Links
Awards Roll of Honour
2023/2024 MU Award: Best Club Executive
2022/2023 MU Award: Best Club Executive
About Volleyball Club

Welcome to MU Volleyball!

Training Times: 

  • Tuesday (6-10pm): Team training
  • Wednesday (4-6pm): Fun session
  • Thursday (6-8pm): Beginner training

MU Volleyball is a social and fun club that welcomes all kinds of players, from beginners to pro players (as long as you love volleyball!).

Throughout the year, both our men's and women's teams compete in the Students Sports League. By the end of the season, we are hoping to see another trophy won!

We also organise fun events including Halloween, Christmas, and Easter tournaments and other fundraising events.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us either by email or through our Instagram and we'll come back to you as soon as we can.  

On behalf of the Maynooth University Volleyball Club, we wish you all an awesome and successful year here and most importantly to enjoy and have fun! See you on the court!


  • 2023-2024: SSI Tier II Cup Winner (Men)
  • 2019-2020: SSI League Semi-Finalists (Men)
  • 2019-2020: SSI League Semi-Finalists (Women)
  • 2018-2019: SSI League Finalists (Women) 
  • 2017-2018: SSI League Finalists (Women)
  • 2015/2016: SSI League Champions (women) 
  • 2013/2014: SSI League Champions (women)
  • 2010/11: CUSAI League semi-finalists (women)
  • 2009/10: CUSAI League Champions (women), and Runner-Ups (men)
  • 2007/08: CUSAI League Runner-Ups (Men) and semi-finalists (women)
  • 2006/07: CUSAI League Champions (Women)

Current Committee 9
Secretary Alan PAXTON
Treasurer LILY GRACE
Public Relations Officer LUCIA MANCA
Health and Safety Officer AUSTEJA
Health and Safety Officer ISOBEL KATHLEEN LYNCH
Health and Safety Officer (name hidden)
Retired JACK
Vice Chairperson Benjamin

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