Deutsch Society

Deutsche Kultur und Sprache

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Weekly Activity 1
Only logged in / active Deutsch Society members can book / attend this activity
Location: John Hume Lecture Theatre 4 (JHL4)

Hallo Leute! Join us for our weekly catch-up on Thursdays from 7-8pm in JHL4. Every week we will have a special activity for you guys and you will get to chat to your friends and learn all about the German culture and language. All levels of German are welcome and there is no pressure for anyone to speak German if they are uncomfortable! 

Some examples of what we have done for our Stammtisches in the past (and maybe some upcoming plans...) include Language Mixers, Pizza Parties, Oktoberfest, Culture Night, Craft events, Erasmus Talks and much much more! We are so excited for everyone to see what we have been planning for this year!

This week we are celebrating Oktoberfest and Halloween as a 2-in-1 event in the Student Union at 6:30 on Tuesday. Come dressed up and get to know the others in the society! Then on Thursday from 10-12 in rye we are partaking in cancer society's Big Pink Breakfast with the other cultural societies on campus. Please feel free to come along to both!

Wir freuen uns auf euch!


Day Thursdays
From 19:00, to 22:30
Max 78 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: John Hume Lecture Theatre 4 (JHL4)

Hallo Leute! Join us for our weekly catch-up on Thursdays from 7-8pm in JHL4. Every week we will have a special activity for you guys and you will get to chat to your friends and learn all about the German culture and language. All levels of German are welcome and there is no pressure for anyone to speak German if they are uncomfortable! 

Some examples of what we have done for our Stammtisches in the past (and maybe some upcoming plans...) include Language Mixers, Pizza Parties, Oktoberfest, Culture Night, Craft events, Erasmus Talks and much much more! We are so excited for everyone to see what we have been planning for this year!

This week we are celebrating Oktoberfest and Halloween as a 2-in-1 event in the Student Union at 6:30 on Tuesday. Come dressed up and get to know the others in the society! Then on Thursday from 10-12 in rye we are partaking in cancer society's Big Pink Breakfast with the other cultural societies on campus. Please feel free to come along to both!

Wir freuen uns auf euch!

About Deutsch Society

Guten Tag!

We are MU Deutsch, one of the premier cultural societies on campus, actively promoting not only German Language and culture on campus but also cultural exchange and diversity, through our many collabs with other cultural societies.

You don't need to know any German to join or to come to our events, as they are mostly culturally themed, with some beginner-friendly language mixers throughout the year. Our main hope is that anyone who comes to our events has fun, feels comfortable, and makes new friends, and if anyone learns any German along the way, we consider that a bonus! We also try to collaborate with other societies when we can, so far, we have done collabs with Tea Society, Cancer Society, and other cultural societies, and we have many more collabs planned for the coming year!

Some of our past events have included:

- Charity Quiz in the MSU Venue, raising >€200 for Bone Marrow for Leukaemia Trust

- Annual Cultural Quiz, including all cultural societies on campus

- Filmabends, where we watch German Films (we do provide snacks!)

- Annual Erasmus Talk with ESN, French and Spanish Societies for second-year students to learn more about the Erasmus Programme and where they may like to study

- Filmquiz, where we hosted rounds about German films and TV shows

- Craft Events for St. Martinstag, where we made traditional lanterns

- Kaffeeklatsches, where members have a chance to destress by coming for a cup of tea and a chat

We have hosted many more events over the past few years, which can be seen in our Events Archive on MU Life.

In December 2022 we hosted our first ever society trip to Galway for the Christmas Markets, which was so successful that we are hoping to run another similar trip this year. Dates, prices, and more information will be available at our AGM!

We are the winners of Maynooth Students Union's Contribution to Charity Award 2021/22 as well as the runner-up for the Clubs & Societies Civic & Charity Award 2021/22, for our continued efforts around cultural exchange as well as charity fundraising. We were also runner-up for the Clubs and Societies Most Improved Society award in 2021/22.

Join us for a chance to learn about German culture, and look forward to many collaborations with other societies such as Tea, French, Japanese Culture, Islamic, Indian, Ukrainian, and more!

Information about our upcoming events for the 2023/24 year will be available on our MU Life and Social Media pages in early September, so make sure to keep an eye out on our social media (@mudeutsch on Instagram and @mudeutschsoc on TikTok) for more information, because we have some events that you won't want to miss out on! 

This week we are having a German film quiz in JHL4 at 7pm. This is a chance to put your knowledge of German films and shows to the test and maybe you'll find your next favourite movie in the process! Please feel free to come along!

We can't wait to see all our members— old and new— at our events! In the meantime, feel free to message us here or on Instagram with any questions!

Bis Später!

Current Committee 9
President Laura O'Reilly(She/Her)
VP/Secretary KATE(She/Her)
Public Relations Officer LAURA LENGYEL
Public Relations Officer JACK CASSIDY
Department Liaison KAYLEIGH HOWLIN
Equipments Officer ORAN JAMES MYLES
Events Officer MICHAEL PAN(He/Him)

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