Geography Society

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Do you have to study geography to be a part of the society
No!. Everyone is welcome the only thing is to have an interest in Geography
Awards Roll of Honour
2016/2017 MU Award: Society Person of the Year

All Geography Activities Hosted

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Mindful Monday

Day Mondays
From 14:00, to 15:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: MU Library

Mindful Monday is an activity organised in collaboration with Geography, Environmental SVP and Mental Health Societys to get students away from being inside all day in lectures, labs and on laptops. This may act as a nice break for students, and even a way to make new friends and enjoy the outdoors the Mu campus has to offer. This will be followed by a tea/coffee chat space in Rye Space 1.

This is a CURRENT activity

Mindful Monday

Day Mondays
From 14:00, to 15:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: South Campus

Mindful Monday is back with a bang for semester 2. 

We will meet at the John Paul memorial beside the library at 2pm and walk around the south campus and then heading to Rye Space (TBC weekly) for an hour of tea, coffee and chats at 3pm. 

See you there! 

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

geography colab afternoon tea

Day Mondays
From 15:00, to 16:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Rye Space 1

Geography Soc will be hosting a tea-coffee event in collaboration with the Environmental, SVP and Mental Health Societies in the Rye Space 1 from 3 pm to 4.

This is a CURRENT activity

Monday Tea and Chat

Day Mondays
From 15:00, to 16:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Rye Event Spaces

Meet us in Rye Space after our Mindful Monday walk for an hour of tea, coffee and chats. 

We look forward to seeing you there! 

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Geography Society Social Event

Day Tuesdays
From 16:00, to 18:00
Max 15 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Student Pods - Outside Arts building

The Geography Society would like to invite you to our weekly study/social event happening every Tuesday from 3-5pm in the student pods outside arts building.

This will be a nice and chill space for geography students to come study, relax, and socialise with other students! Committee members will be in attendance most weeks so it will also be an opportunity for students to give suggestions on events or activities they would like to see!

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Study Group

Day Wednesdays
From 14:00, to 16:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Geography Tutorial Room

If you find it difficult to study on campus, we have a solution for you. The Geography Study group offers an opportunity for students to study immersed in geography. It is a great opportunity to meet with your peers, to discuss your studies and to ask for help. If you find asking your lecturers a bit daunting, this is perfect for you. We meet every Wednesday from 2pm - 4pm in the Geography Tutorial room in Rhetoric House on South Campus. Bring a cup of tea or coffee, just remember to clean up after yourself. There are many sockets available for charging your laptops too so don't be afraid to drop in. You don't need to stay for the whole session, but we would love too see you there.

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