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Architecture for the Common Good

Starts Thu 20th Feb 2025 at 15:00
Ends at 17:00
Max 55 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: TSI building room 128 (TSI 128)

The second guest lecture in our lecture series!

Title: Architecture for the Common Good

Bio: Dr Alan Xuereb

Alan Xuereb holds a Doctorate in Law (LL.D., 1996) and an M.Phil. in the Philosophy of Law (2004), both from the University of Malta. A practicing lawyer by profession, he currently serves as a lawyer-linguist at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. In his final year of his PhD in Philosophy at Maynooth University, where his research focuses on his dissertation titled Architecture for the Common Good. He is the author of Reflections on the Common Good (2020).

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The Value of Naturalism in Nietzsche

Starts Thu 13th Feb 2025 at 14:00
Ends at 16:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: John Hume Lecture hall 3 (JHL3)

The first of our series of lectures this semester!

Title: The Value of Naturalism in Nietzsche

Our speaker, Simon Nordberg M.A., will talk a little about the philosophy of Naturalism and how it is situated in Nietzsche's work. Having written on this topic in the past, as well as it making up part of his research for his PhD, this lecture will be enlightening to both the novice and veteran Nietzsche enthusiast.

Bio: Simon Nordberg completed his Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy at the University of Bergen, followed by a Master’s degree at the University of Oslo. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Stuttgart.

Nordberg is also a member of the International Society for Nietzsche Studies.

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Essay workshop with Dr David O'Brien

Starts Thu 14th Nov 2024 at 13:00
Ends at 14:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Rye space 2

Maynooth University Philosophy Society has the pleasure of organising an essay workshop led by Dr David O'Brien in order to help students prepare for this semester's final exams and assignments.

Dr David O'Brien will be coordinating the workshop and will provide those who attend valuable insights on how to properly approach writing, and specifically writing philosophically. If you are uncertain with your writing skills and require some guidance, or if you just feel rather 'rusty', you will benefit from this workshop.

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Guest Lecture -- Charles Piecyk

Starts Mon 11th Nov 2024 at 16:00
Ends at 18:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: SE011 (Education building)

Maynooth University Philosophy Society will have Charles Piecyk give us a guest lecture based on his paper for Maynooth Philosophy Supplement's first issue 'Nietzsche and his legacy'.

Paper title: From the 'Death of God' to the 'End of Man': The trajectory of the modern conception of the human (and it's overcoming), from Kant through Nietzsche and Foucault to Transhumanism and Posthumanism.

His paper is based on his PhD research.

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Educate Together Charity Fundraiser

Starts Thu 7th Nov 2024 at 11:00
Ends at 14:30
Cost € 2.50
Max 40 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Riverstown Hall

Join MU Philosophy Society for a day of discussion and learning in support of Educate Together!

About Educate Together

Educate Together is a registered charity which is the patron body of a network of over 100 primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Ireland. Their schools are equality-based, child-centered, co-educational, and democratically run. In place of Religious Education, students in ET schools study Ethical Education, where they are introduced to global issues and philosophical ideas from a young age. ET schools work to instil a sense of equality and justice in their students. Students are encouraged to use their voice as often as possible, and all members of the community are given the chance to speak when it comes to changes and decisions in their school.

About the Event

The day will run like a small conference. Opening remarks will be given by MUPS Ambassador Sheilagh Noonan, who will also give a brief overview of the history of Educate Together. This will be followed by a lecture/discussion, facilitated by Dr. Susi Gottlober, Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning. There will be a half hour break for lunch where some refreshments will be provided. We will have a visit by a group of students from Bremore ETSS, who will discuss ethical education from a student's perspective, and at the end of the day closing remarks will be given by Lydia McCarthy, Head of Education and Development for Educate Together. These events will run one after another, so if your class schedule means you need to duck in and out, feel free to attend what you can! Otherwise, you are welcome to join us for the day!

N.B. Your ticket is a donation. This is a paid event so that proceeds can be donated to ET. We will have donation buckets if you prefer cash, and QR codes for online donations on the day should you be moved to make further contributions. There will also be a raffle, where first prize is a Flight Experience with Leinster Gliding Centre!

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Nietzsche's Birthday

Starts Tue 15th Oct 2024 at 12:00
Ends at 14:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Rye Event Space 2

Join us as Philosophy Society celebrates Friedrich Nietzsche's 180th Birthday. We'll be reading an extract of "Twilight of the Idols" by Nietzsche accompanied with snacks and fun. No prior knowledge is needed, just bring yourself! 

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Philosophy Society AGM

Starts Thu 10th Oct 2024 at 17:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 30 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Rye event space 2

Join us for Philosophy Society's first Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the year in Rye event space 2! We'll be going over some past activities our Society has done and give a preview of what's to come. This is where you can get involved and join the committee as treasurer or if you're in first year, become our first year rep. Free pizza for members!

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Philosophy Society at Clubs & Socs Fair

Starts Wed 2nd Oct 2024 at 10:00
Ends at 14:00
Max 100 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Phoenix Building Main Sports Hall

Join Philosophy Society for Clubs and Socs Fair!!!

A Day to meet the committee and ask us any questions you have for Philosophy Society. 

We'll be in the Phoenix Building in the main Sports Hall at stall no.26.

Can't wait to see everyone there :D 

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Meet and Greet 1st Years Orientation

Starts Tue 17th Sep 2024 at 10:00
Ends at 16:00
Max 100 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: TSI Building 0.28

Philosophy Society's second day of Meet and Greet to Welcome First Years to Maynooth as part of the Clubs & Socs event

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Meet & Greet 1st Years Orientation

Starts Mon 16th Sep 2024 at 09:00
Ends at 16:00
Max 100 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: TSI building

Meet and Greet as part of Clubs & Socs to welcome First Years to Maynooth. Philosophy Society will have a stand for the meet and greet.

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Philosophy Soc AGM!!

Starts Tue 7th May 2024 at 17:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 56 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Classhall J Arts Building

It's our final event of the year and we couldn't be more excited! Join us for free pizza, snacks and games as we celebrate Philosophy Society's growth and new committee! 

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Film Soc Collab!

Starts Thu 25th Apr 2024 at 11:00
Ends at 13:00
Max 57 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Building TSI126

We continue our exploration of social philosophy with Film Soc! Keep your eyes peeled for a poll on Instagram @muphilosophysoc or @mufilm to vote for your movie!

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Nietzsche and Foucault

Starts Tue 23rd Apr 2024 at 17:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 55 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Classhall J Arts Building

Philosophy Society presents an exciting talk, led by our own Charles Piecyk, on Nietzsche and Foucault's discussion on power and social control!

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Formal Writing Workshop

Starts Tue 19th Mar 2024 at 17:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 51 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Classhall J Arts Building

This formal writing workshop will be delivered by David O'Brien! If you have any interest in improving your writing or would just like to partake in some fun activities, be sure to join! 

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Women's Day Amelia Earhart

Starts Fri 8th Mar 2024 at 11:00
Ends at 13:00
Max 66 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Rye Event Space

Exploring the intersections of philosophy and pioneering women in history. Join us with History Society and Women in STEM Society to commemorate the achievements and contributions of Amelia Earhart on International Women's Day!

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Women in Philosophy

Starts Wed 6th Mar 2024 at 17:00
Ends at 19:00
Max 53 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: John Hume Lecture 3

"Empowering Perspectives: Women in Philosophy and Thinking Further". We invite you to join us for an enlightening talk by Dr Susan Gottlöber discussing the role of women in philosophy throughout the ages and their underappreciated work. 

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Talk on Wittgenstein's Tractatus

Starts Thu 27th Apr 2023 at 13:00
Ends at 15:00
Max 100 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: John Hume lecture hall 3

'Language Disguises Thought: Uncovering the Origins of the Clothing Metaphor in Tractatus 4.002'

Talk on Wittgenstein's Tractatus: how "language disguises thought". Speaker will be Dr Keith Begley, of Maynooth University's Philosophy department.

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Philosophy Society AGM

Starts Tue 30th Nov 2021 at 16:10
Ends at 17:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Callan Building Room 7 (CB7)

Our Annual General Meeting to elect committee member positions for the 2021/22 academic year.

It is also a chance for members of the society to introduce themselves and to tell the committee what topics relating to philosophy interest them so that we can plan future meetings and events accordingly.

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Philosophy Society EGM

Starts Mon 15th Feb 2021 at 19:00
Ends at 20:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

Committee Poisitions Available:

  • Events Officer 
  • Welfare and Equality Officer 
  • Public Relations Officer

As of now, this will take place on Teams but keep an eye out for an email closer to the date for confirmation.

Hope to see everyone there!!

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Dr. Susan Gottlober on Life Philosophy

Starts Tue 1st Dec 2020 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

Hey Everyone!

A gentle reminder that we'll be holding Dr. Susan Gottlober on 'Life Philosophy' tomorrow (1st December) at 7pm via our MS Teams group. Please email us at if you're not currently already in the Teams group.

We can't wait to see you then! 

Link to MS Teams Group: 

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Philosophy Society AGM

Starts Thu 15th Oct 2020 at 19:00
Ends at 20:30
Type VIRTUAL Event

Positions up for grabs:

First Year Rep

Events Assistant 

Public Relations Officer (PRO)

if you're interested, come and run for a position!!!

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Covid-19: Philosophical Considerations

Starts Wed 14th Oct 2020 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Type VIRTUAL Event

A talk on Covid-19 and many philosophical thoughts around these times with Professor Roseman of the Philosophy Department in Maynooth University

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The Branches of Philosophy Book Auction.

Starts Tue 24th Mar 2020 at 18:30
Ends at 21:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Education Building, Room SE014.

Maynooth philosophy society cordially invites you to ' The Branches of Philosophy' ; a private book auction in memory of the late Dr. Fahey. we encourage you to attend our night of philosophical wonders. Presenting this spectacular launch is Mrs. Ann Fahey, the wife of the late philosopher. Refreshments, celebrations and our gratitude will be at your disposal for the evening ahead. Dress to impress and prepare for a night of philosophical phun! This launch will be held in the Education Building, located on Maynooth University's North Campus in Room SE014. All are welcome to come, enjoy the night and feast on all of the philosophical wonders we have to offer. The event takes place on March 24, 2020 between the times of 18: and 21:00. We hope to see you there and we are looking forward to enjoying your company!

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a mental movie

Starts Mon 23rd Mar 2020 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Classhall H - arts

Well Well Well, welcome back our philosophy friends ! we have a very exciting night planned. You know how much we love the movies ( its a lot ) so you can imagine how much we adore the film society ! great idea, great people and a great night ahead. As the rules do follow, you get to choose the movie of the night. The poll is as follows …………………….. 

Taxi driver (1976)

The Shawshank Redemption 

Its kind of a funny story. 

Let us know what you think and keep voting ! bye guys 

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Its a little bit funny

Starts Mon 9th Mar 2020 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Class hall h

Hey Hey Hey guys !!! welcome back. We have another very exciting collab underway this week. Comedy Soc and Philosophy are joining forces to have you laughing out of your minds. Dylan is going to show us how to write a skit and perform it with confidence, because as well all know, stage fright is never funny. Class hall H as per usual my friends we will see you all there.

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Sewing For Success First Meeting

Starts Wed 26th Feb 2020 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Your Space, Student's Union

Hello all! We come this week with some very exciting news about an amazing project we are about to embark on! The Philosophy and Mental Health societies are joining together to host a little scheme we will be calling Sewing For Success. With sponsorship from local vintage and sewing supplies store The Glass Doll (which will generously be providing us with materials!), we are going to spend a few weeks working on sewing bags and blankets for donation to the homeless by the end of the semester. ANYONE CAN JOIN IN, REGARDLESS OF ABILITIES<3 - to do our crafts you only need to be able to do one simple stitch, and we will happily teach you if you need to learn, so no fear! Meet us in Your Space for fun, friendship, snacks, and a good time!

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Breakfast with phil soc

Starts Wed 26th Feb 2020 at 10:00
Ends at 11:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Su room 2 student union

JOIN US FOR FUN, philosophy AND OF COURSE A YUMMY BREKKIE bring your friends and come meet the philosophy team. Its a great year a head.

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Movie Night: My Sister's Keeper

Starts Mon 24th Feb 2020 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Class Hall H

Hello folks! This Monday we are presenting you with an exciting movie night! Together we will be watching the acclaimed film My Sister's Keeper. My Sister's Keeper is about a girl who is born to be a saviour sister, providing organ donations, stem cells, and tissue to her older sister with leukemia. We will be examining the plot from a philosophical and ethical perspective and hosting some discussion afterwards about the themes brought up by the film! Tag along to this screening and join us in digging into the questions raised! 

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Philosophy Christmas Extravaganza!

Starts Tue 17th Dec 2019 at 09:00
Ends at 16:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Arts Building

Have you been craving any treats recently? Well fear not - the philosophy soc are throwing a bake sale extravaganza, filled with cakes and goodies galore! Pop down to Arts for cooked goods, chats, and Christmas cheer! Proceeds will go to the philosophy soc and to a very important cause - Ataxia Foundation Ireland. Join us to share in the magic and holiday cheer! Hope to see you there!

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Quiz Night: Collab w/ Film Soc!

Starts Mon 9th Dec 2019 at 18:00
Ends at 21:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Student's Union Venue

Hello all! Boy do we have a fun night for you! The film collab has decided to join forces with us to host a spectacular quiz night! Please pop on down to represent the society and show the other folks our brains!

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A Crafty Christmas

Starts Mon 9th Dec 2019 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Arts Class Hall H

How's it going folks?! This Monday we have something special for you! Mental Health are collaborating with us to host our very own Crafty Christmas event! Join us to create snack art, discussing ideas and leading our very own Christmas enquiry! We guarantee you that it'll sleigh (hehehe)

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Philosophy Gets Creative

Starts Tue 3rd Dec 2019 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Education Building

Well well well! This week philosophy society is getting creative with our newfound friends the Creative Writing Society this Tuesday. Bring your pens, bring your thoughts, and we will bring the fun! 

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Philosophy Soc Meet Up

Starts Mon 2nd Dec 2019 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Arts Class Hall H

Guess what !!! Our very own Sean Devane will be hosting our very exciting always inviting philosophy event this Monday. We know you are in for a treat ! Come on down, we promise it will be great! Pop on down for snacks, chats, and philosophy bants!

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World Philosophy Day!

Starts Fri 29th Nov 2019 at 12:00
Ends at 14:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Iontas Foyer

Hey all! This Tuesday is World Philosophy Day! So, of course, we have to celebrate! We'll be hosting a celebration and appreciation of the incredible subject, belief, and lifestyle that is philosophy. It changed our lives - so let us change yours! Meet us at the Iontas Foyer from 12-2 to join the party - we even have cake!

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First Philosophy Workshop!

Starts Tue 5th Nov 2019 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Classhall H

Hey guys! The philosophy soc is back, and we're super excited to tell you about a new and amazing opportunity! From this week on we will be hosting a series of workshops each Monday evening! Details below<3

• Who? The workshops are usually hosted by members of the committee, though we have asked several academics in the past to hold a workshop with with greater depth.

• What? The topics we discuss in our workshops vary from week to week. It will often be decided by the particular individual who is hosting the workshop, though we can discuss a different issue if attendees present it to us in advance.

• When? On Monday evenings from 6pm to about 8pm.

• Where? Classhall H in the Arts Building.

• Why? Mostly because it's fun and engaging. There are likely many things you've thought about discussing and not known where to talk about them. We aim to give you somewhere you can go to share and experience different ideas with people you can relax and have fun with.

• How much? You do not need to be a member to attend these workshops. If you just want to go to one to see what it's like then that is absolutely fine. If you afterwards decide that you would like to keep coming back, we would hope that you would decide to join the society for €2. The society receives more resorces from having a larger member registry, which will help us to make these workshops better in the future.

Hope to see you there! Promise we'll have a blast! <3

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Philosophy Soc AGM

Starts Mon 21st Oct 2019 at 18:00
Ends at 20:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Arts Classhall E

It's that time again! Philosophy soc are hosting our annual general meeting, and I guarantee it's gonna be spooktacular! Come meet the committee, see what trips and events we have in store for you, may even take on a role and join our fantastic team! 

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P4C Training

Starts Sat 12th Oct 2019 at 10:00
Ends Sun 13th Oct 2019 at 16:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Classhall E

Hey folks! Philosophy soc is here again to offer you a fun opportunity to put your philosophy skills to use in some special training! 

P4C is Philosophy for Children, a growing project to teach philosophy to young people and give them important life skills such as critical thinking, debating, confidence, etc.! This is an amazing opportunity for all regardless of background. We're delighted to welcome Marelle Rice, who will be running the course for us! She will be providing a once in a lifetime course that will grant us qualifications to teach philosophy formally! Not only is it super fun, but also great for CVs and future careers, and not to mention... entirely free of charge! So meet us on Saturday and Sunday from 10 - 4 in Class Hall E for a good cause and a good time! 

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Lit & Deb Collab: Debate

Starts Fri 11th Oct 2019 at 19:00
Ends at 21:00
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: John Hume Lecture Hall 2

Hey hey hey guys !! We are back and this time we have some super exciting news !!! The lit and deb society are joining forces with philosophy soc to bring you one heck of a night. Our topic: Is terrorism subjective?

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The Philosophy Society AGM

Starts Tue 12th Feb 2019 at 18:00
Ends at 21:15
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: JH4 john hume building

Hello lads and lassies, and welcome to semester 2! We are delighted to inform ye that our AGM will be underway at 18:00 JH4. There will be plenty of pizza, so come on over and meet the committee. Hope to see you there!

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