Anthropology Society

For anyone interested in people and culture!

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About Anthropology Society

Anthropology is the study of humans, both past and present. We pride ourselves in being a society that is keen to understand the differences between humans and the cultures in which they live. If you enjoy learning about culture, different types of society, and talking about different issues in the world today, this is the society for you.The most important rule in our society is that we are open to all. Anthropology looks at all kinds of people, so as a society we have a strong anti-bigotry ethos and we strive to make our society a friendly and accepting place. As Ruth Benedict so aptly put it, "The purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences". 

We plan to host many movie nights, debates and collaborative events with other societies throughout the year. All of these events will centre around issues and questions about culture, so bring your thinking caps! As well as on-campus events, we're also planning day and overnight trips! We love to interact and engage with students as much as possible, so please don't hesitate to contact us through facebook, twitter, instagram or email and we'll be glad to help you with any comments or queries.

Current Committee 3
General Secretary EVA MARIE FELIX
Public Relations Officer HANNAH LOUISE SHEN
Under Secretary WILLIAM FERGUS

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