
Warm Weather Training 2025 News: international

Posted On 13th Feb 2025
Posted By Athletics
Author HANNAH REILLY (Public Relations Officer)
Location Vilamoura, Portugal


In preparation for the 2025 season, 20 of our MUAC athletes fled from the rainy, cold Ireland to the sunny and warm Portugal for this years Warm Weather Training Trip!

Taking place from the 28th of January to the 4th of February, a week of sun-filled sessions was exactly what our athletes needed in preparation for the IUAA Varsity Indoors occurring the following weekend.

The team took to two training sessions a day, divided into sprinters and distance runners. The distance group enjoyed scenic long runs every morning along the beach and coastline, with a fast-paced track session in the evening. The sprint group got the hard track work done in the morning under the Portuguese sun, with their evenings filled getting gains in the gym.

This trip was embraced by every member of the team, with everyone pushing themselves to their limits, encouraging others to carry on, and making memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.

Aside from the training, the team came together to have fun in the pool, enjoy beach days, shopping trips, dinners together, and a bit of karaoke (was certainly a highlight!)

This trip is one of the many highlights we at MUAC look forward to every year, every moment of this WWT trip was filled with fun and laughter, creating a team bond never to be broken <3

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