
SVP AGM held News: update

Posted On 11th Oct 2024
Posted By SVP
Author MICHAEL COMER (President)

Hello all,

The Agm of MU SVP took place on Thursday 10 October in Rye Space. New members have joined the committee and are working together to re run events this year that were done last year. Street Outreach will be resuming in November possibly. Niamh Brennan from the nation SVP will make contact with us to give training on it as you have to be vetted to do it. We also hope to do some collabs with other societies aswell particularly the Environmental Society where they do a clothes drop and donate unwanted items to charity. All that is coming up. Lastly, want to boost our membership numbers so if know anyone who would be interested in SVP, it could be your friend or another student, ask them if they want to join MU SVP.

Thats all for now!

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