
AGM Results News: notice

Posted On 28th Apr 2023
Posted By Deutsch
Author Laura O'Reilly (President)

Thank you to everyone who attended and ran at our AGM yesterday. We are delighted to have seen so many members there and to have elected a wonderful new committee for the next academic year! Our new committee members are as follows:

President: Laura O'Reilly 

VP/Secretary: Kate Ward

Treasurer: Georgina Kempin

Public Relations Officers (P.R.O.s): Adrian Costello and Laura Lengyel

Events Officer: Michael Pan

Equipments Officer: Oran Myles

We will be having another AGM in September, where we will be electing the positions of Charity Officer, Erasmus and Department Liaisons and First Year Rep. If you feel you would be suited to any of these positions you can run then, we will have more information on this in the new academic year. 

As President, I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to the current committee, especially our outgoing committee members; Liam, Áine, Lauren and Kayleigh. You have all made a brilliant contribution to the society and the committee over the last year, and I appreciate everything you have all done.

To our members, thank you for your consistent engagement and support, whether it was for the trip, hoodies or even just coming to an event, we all appreciate the effort that you have all put into the society this year. 

Here's hoping that 2023/24 will be another slay year! 

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