People Before Profit

Fighting For Workers & Eco-Socialism

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About People Before Profit

People Before Profit is Irelands largest socialist party. We are socialists in the Connolly-ite tradition fighting north and south of the border for a 32 county socialist Ireland. From water charges, to repeal, to the Debenhams picket to Palestinian liberation we have been at the forefront of the struggle. 

We live in a time of many crisis, in Ireland housing and healthcare are in a state of collapse. For us students we pay the highest fees in Europe to a college that sees us as little more than a source of cash to milk. On an world stage we have seen the return of Imperialist conflict in the Ukraine. In Palestine there is a genocide happening in front of our eyes, a genocide prosecuted deliberately by the murderous Zionist state of Israel but backed by the US, UK and shamefully the EU. All the while world leaders continue to do nothing about the oncoming climate catastrophe and we are left to wonder what our future may even look like. It is easy to feel hopeless but there is an alternative, but we must fight for it. As Rosa Luxemburg said it's "Socialism or Barbarism"!

Our aim as a society is to - To introduce students to and get them involved in the politics of People Before Profit. - To facilitate discussions, educationals and debates on a range of issues. - To get actively involved in important campaigns, both on and off campus. Please join and help make the world a fairer place. If you have any questions before joining don't hesitate to get in touch, our email is

Current Committee 1
Chairperson Adam Tallon

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