Islamic Society

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All Islamic Activities Hosted

This is a CURRENT activity

Friday Prayer

Day Fridays
From 13:00, to 14:00
Max 50 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Rye Hall Space 1 and 2

Friday Prayer commences at 1.15pm in Rye hall space 1 for brothers and 2 for sisters. 

Attendees will listen to a khutbah (reminder) and pray the Friday prayer.

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Salat al-Jumu'ah (Friday Prayer)

Day Fridays
From 13:20, to 13:50
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Quiet Room (Arts Building)

Salat al-Jumu'ah will be held in the Quiet Room (Arts Building) every Friday in which there is no academic holiday
(No need to worry, Notifications will be made in the 'News' Section if Jumu'ah won't be held that week)

There is also a Wudhu Room in the bathrooms beside the Quiet Room if you need to make Wudhu (ablution)

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Brothers Qur'an Circle

Day Fridays
From 14:00, to 15:00
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Quiet Room (Arts Building)

Doing? Reading some Qur'an in the Quiet Room every Friday from ~1 to ~1:25

Which Part? Juz 'Amma (so that's part 30 - the final one)

Goal? To help improve one anothers ability of recitation of the Qur'an and to further bond with one another

Feel free to bring in your own Qur'an if you want, but the Quiet Room already has several copies available alhamdulilah 

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Feeding the Homeless

Day Fridays
From 19:30, to 21:00
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Outside the GPO

Every Friday night we'll be doing something 'charity' related.
This semester, the charity organisation we'll be working alongside is TSFI (Tasnuva Shamim Foundation Ireland)

Location: Front of GPO at 7:30pm (please give us a message if you think you're coming, so that we can give them an idea of expected number
Time: 7:30 - 8:30/9pm

What will we be giving out to the homeless?
Generally, in terms of Food:
- Rice (usually biryani rice) 
- Curry
- Sometimes chicken
- Lots of different breads
- Doughnuts, cookies and other pastries 
- And usually some snacks (crisps, popcorn)

In terms of Drink:
- Tea
- Coffee

Other things which are occasionally given out:
- Sleeping bags
- Clothes

This is a PAST activity
For archive information only!

Feeding the Homeless

Day Fridays
From 19:30, to 21:00
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Outside the GPO

Every Friday night we'll be doing something 'charity' related.
This semester, the charity organisation we'll be working alongside is TSFI (Tasnuva Shamim Foundation Ireland)
[We plan to help out at orphanages next semester in shaa Allah]

Location: Front of GPO at 7:30 pm (please give us a message if you think you're coming, so that we can give them an idea of the expected number
Time: 7:30 - 8:30/9 pm

What will we be giving out to the homeless?
Generally, in terms of Food:
- Rice (usually biryani rice) 
- Curry
- Sometimes chicken
- Lots of different breads
- Doughnuts, cookies and other pastries 
- And usually some snacks (crisps, popcorn)

In terms of Drink:
- Tea
- Coffee

Other things which are occasionally given out:
- Sleeping bags
- Clothes

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