Social Democrats

building a new social democratic force to shape Ireland by the people for the people

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About Social Democrats

The Social Democrats are ambitious for Ireland’s future. We want Ireland to be a republic in which every person has opportunity and dignity. We are a new party, unhindered by the past and the old style of politics. The most prosperous, inclusive and progressive countries on earth are social democracies. We believe Ireland can join this group, and that a great many Irish people want us to. We know that a strong, creative, prosperous, fair, equal and democratic country – in which all children have the opportunity to achieve their potential – is not just an aspiration. It can, and should be, Ireland’s reality. Irish people are tired of short-term thinking, stroke politics, electoral bribes and power that refuses to be held to account. We call for open and transparent government. Honest politics that works in the best interests of the people and not the party or the selected few. We are asking people to join us in building a new politics that reflects the best of Irish culture. We are asking you to join us, to help build a Republic of Equals.

The Maynooth University Society aims to listen to student voices and bring student issues to the forefront of discussions within the party and outside. We will work on building international relationships wit other social democratic party's within Europe and further afield. Everyone is welcome to join us, we are a society that is open to all people of all backgrounds.

 Our Principles

Our party is founded on the core principles of Progress, Equality, Democracy and Sustainability.


We believe that a strong society requires a thriving economy, high-quality public services and vibrant communities. This means supporting Irish SMEs as well as international businesses in creating good jobs. Our public services must be accessible, provide high standards of service and run efficiently. We must support communities, foster creativity, culture, sports and the arts.


We believe in a society where every person has the opportunity to reach their potential. This needs long-term investment in communities and social infrastructure. It requires the protection of human rights, civil and religious liberties, and a free media. And it must see the on-going progress of economic, social and cultural rights across society.


We believe in competent, inclusive and open government. This requires a political system and culture that promotes transparency and accountability in political and administrative decision making. The current system must change so citizens can play full roles in civic and political life. Our democracy should empower people and those they elect to represent them, locally and nationally.


We believe in a society that is economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. Ireland’s lurching from one electoral cycle to another with little regard for a long term view must change. It requires stable public finances and economic development. It needs coherent, long-term community development and planning. It is critical we safeguard our environment for future generations.

Current Committee 3
Chairperson (name hidden)

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