2021/2022 | MU Award: Best Society First Year |
2021/2022 | Charity and Civic Award |
2021/2022 | Most Improved Society |
Starts | Tue 1st Apr 2025 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 35 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Deutch Soc is doing an exciting collab with Classics Soc where we will be presenting and discussing our favourite books! This will be held on the 1st of April 2025, 6pm, in JHT2. Make sure to come along as there will be pizza too ?
Starts | Tue 25th Mar 2025 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | € 3.00 |
Max | 40 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
This is a collab event between numerous different societies to raise money for the MSF charity. It will be held in the MSU Venue. Each society contributed quiz questions. Prizes will be given to the winners.
Starts | Tue 18th Feb 2025 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 15 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
In celebration of this year's Berlinale Film Festival, MU Deutsch will be hosting a quiz featuring all of your favourite German language films and TV shows. There will be treats at this event and a prize for the winner of the quiz. The event will be taking place in our usual room John Hume Tutorial Room 2 from 7-9pm.
Starts | Tue 3rd Dec 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:30 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 20 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
As part of our Weihnachten festivities for 2024, we are planning to enjoy and decorate traditional German cookies while watching the very traditional German Christmas Classic "Drei Haselnussen für Aschenbrödel." We'll also be enjoying some traditional German Christmas carols! Our event will be taking place in John Hume Tutorial Room 2 from 7pm.
Starts | Tue 12th Nov 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
This is a collaboration event between Deutsch Soc, the ESN and Spanish Soc. We are planning to give the floor to returned Erasmus students to share their opinions of the experience and to give advice to potential outgoing Erasmus students. There will be chats, presentations by the speakers and a period for questions and answers at the end. The event will be taking place in the Iontas Theatre at 7pm. This is a one-off event.
Starts | Thu 2nd May 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
As the end of the year is here this means we will be hosting our AGM!! This will be taking place this week on Thursday, May 2nd, at 7pm in JHL4 and on Microsoft Teams. If you would like to join on teams please We will have pizza for all attendees, and we will be discussing the year gone by and electing our committee for 2024/25. All committee positions will be up for grabs, pizza will be provided, and we will also have a raffle on the night (€2 for 1 strip, or 3 strips for €5). If you would like to enter the raffle but can't make it, message us, and we will find a way to get you to enter.
All positions are up for grabs, and these are:
President - Oversees the daily running of the society, delegates all tasks, chairs meetings, makes the final call in tied vote, main point of contact for committee members, and organises hoodies. It is recommended that this position should have some experience on a committee, but this is not 100% necessary as you can learn on the job.
Vice-President - assists the president and steps in if they are unavailable, organises hoodies and acts as a point of contact between the committee and the president.
Secretary - main point of correspondence, sends all emails to members, other societies, outside companies, the Marys, etc., takes minutes at meetings, edits them and uploads them to MU Life. May be asked to fill in for the vice-president if they are unavailable or need to step up.
Treasurer - handles all finance, records income and expenditure and keeps track of receipts. Goes to the bank with President or VP.
PRO x2 - Makes posters for each event and posts on social media.
Equipment Officer - Keeps track of the locker and ensures equipment is readily available for events
Events Officer - ensures events are planned each week, plans events and communicates these to the other committee members, books rooms, plans times for commuter events, comes up with ideas for events, keeps track of the event spreadsheet and ensures it is updated, and gives forecast of events for coming weeks at committee meetings.
If anyone has any questions about these positions, please let us know!!
There are no pre-requisites to running for the committee, and while prior experience can be valuable, it is not 100% necessary for any position. New people running is what will keep this society fresh and alive, so don't be afraid to put yourself out there, we would encourage everyone to run. We do ask, however, that incoming members be available for a quick meeting with the current president (that's me...hi!) to run over the basis of their role once elected.
Each year, the society and committee work completely separately to the last year's committee, so if you couldn't make events or run this year, do not let this deter you from running for next year's committee, as events can be run at completely separate times next year, and this is something that the incoming committee will work on before the start of the year.
If you cannot make it in person or on teams, you can also email us a speech to read on your behalf. We do ask that all speeches which need to be read be emailed to this address (deutsch@mulife.ie) by 3pm on Thursday. We also ask that anyone attending on Teams also let us know so we can ensure a link is sent out for you to join.
Hope to see many of you there and best of luck to the people who are running,
Mit Liebe,
Eure deutsche Gesellschaft.
Starts | Tue 16th Apr 2024 at 09:00 |
Ends | at 10:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 60 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Join us for an event hosted in collaboration with the German Department, for a reading and Q&A with German author Roman Ehrlich from his novel MALÉ. Tea, coffee and pastries will be provided. All are welcome. We would like to thank the German Department for inviting us to partake in this event and the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) for their sponsorship of this event.
About the Author:
German author Roman Ehrlich writes novels and essays, trying to understand life on earth. He was an Artist-in-Residence at the Heinrich-Böll-Cottage on Achill Island in 2023, where he worked on his most recent book, Videotime, which will be published this summer.
About the Book
All attempts to save the Maldives from the rising sea level have failed. Package tours have moved on to new destinations, and the majority of the island’s inhabitants have been forced to leave. At the same time, the seedy capital of Malé has become a mecca for all the people searching for alternatives to life in the gentrified cities of the west. And so, for the short while before it is submerged, the island becomes a space for the visions of drop-outs, adventurers and utopians, a place suspended between euphoria and nightmares where new forms of solidarity are tested and people vanish without a trace.
In Malé, Roman Ehrlich captures the complex moods of our time and weaves the stories of his characters’ yearnings and failures into a tapestry of all the contradictions that make up life at the start of the 21st century. The book was nominated for the German Book Prize 2020 and has been widely acclaimed.
Starts | Thu 14th Mar 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
This week we are going to be doing a music night, this is going to be more of a chill and social event. Come join us in listening to music and getting to know one another better.
Hope to see many of you there to have a great time,
Mit Liebe,
Eure deutsche Gesellschaft.
Starts | Thu 7th Mar 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
This week we are going to watch a movie, the movie is Hammerharte Jungs (Hard Feelings). This movie is about how two best friends try to make it through high school while dealing with embarrassing new urges and their very inconvenient feelings for each other.
Hope to see many of you there to have a great time,
Mit Liebe,
Eure deutsche Gesellschaft.
Starts | Thu 29th Feb 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
We have quite the event planned for this week we are doing a drama event. If you like dramas or plays come along, we will be preforming them in German.
Hope to see many of you there to have a great time,
Mit Liebe,
Eure deutsche Gesellschaft.
Starts | Thu 8th Feb 2024 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
We are holding an EGM for another PRO to join our committee there is only 1 position available. If you wish to run for the PRO position please come to this event, if there are multiple candidates we will be putting it up for a vote to see who gets the position.
After the EGM takes place we will be doing a few board games so even if you do not wish to go for the position you can always join in for the event after.
Hope to see many of you there,
Mit Liebe,
Eure deutsche Gesellschaft.
Starts | Thu 14th Dec 2023 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 99 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
We are holding a Christmas party this year you do have to be 18 or over to join this event. So far we are hoping to have a Raffle for charity with festive prizes, a Festivewear competition and possibly a Christmas Bingo.
Hope to see many of you there to have a great time,
Mit Liebe,
Eure deutsche Gesellschaft.
Starts | Thu 7th Dec 2023 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
This event is going to be a Sinterklaas and St. Nikolas Day celebration.
We hope to see many of you there and we hope you wear some festive clothing.
Mit Liebe,
Eure deutsche Gesellschaft.
Starts | Wed 15th Nov 2023 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
On the 15th of November, we are holding an Erasmus talk with other societies.
During this event, you can ask questions about Erasmus and we will have speakers that have been on an Erasmus before.
Mit Liebe,
Eure deutsche Gesellschaft.
Starts | Thu 26th Oct 2023 at 10:00 |
Ends | at 12:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
In addition to our Turn Maynooth Pink Party, we are showing our support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month by participating in a Big Pink Breakfast! Come by to the Rye Hall Societies Space for baked treats, breakfast favs or even a cup of tea! On the 26th of October, let’s turn Maynooth pink together. We won’t stop until Cancer does! We got invited to this by the Maynooth Cancer Society.
Donations are being taken on the day (you don't have to donate to attend but it is encouraged).
Hope to see many of you there,
Mit Liebe,
Eure deutsche Gesellschaft.
Starts | Thu 19th Oct 2023 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | € 1.00 |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
On the 19th of October, we will be holding a music bingo event. This event will be a music Bingo with German songs being the music we will be playing. This will take place in John Hume Lecture Hall 4 or JHL4.
This time round, we'll be raising funds for a charity. There will be a 1 euro fee to take part in the event but people are always welcome to just stay and chat.
We do have an Instagram music questions form that will be going out later this week and we hope to get some suggestions from you our society, we'd love as much support as we can get!
Mit Liebe,
Eure deutsche Gesellschaft.
Starts | Thu 5th Oct 2023 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
This is the Annual General Meeting to complete the rest of the roles.
The positions that are up for grabs are,
First Year Representative
Charity Officer
Department Liaison/ Erasmus Advisory
Starts | Tue 26th Sep 2023 at 11:00 |
Ends | at 14:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Join us and our friends in Ukrainian Society for some European Day of Languages fun! Learn some German or Ukrainian and grab some tea and treats!
Starts | Thu 27th Apr 2023 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Starts | Thu 20th Apr 2023 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | € 2.00 |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are hosting a charity culture quiz in aid of threashold. We will be collaborating with Ukrainian, tea and other societies for a night of cultural exchange and fun! Winners will receive a small prize and we are asking for a €2 donation on the door to threshold <3
Starts | Mon 27th Mar 2023 at 11:00 |
Ends | at 13:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Join us, along with Tea Society and the German Department for a German Style Brunch hosted by the German Department! There will be loads of snacks and treats including pretzels and Berliner-donuts and we will of course be providing tea! Whether you speak German or not, everyone is welcome and the event promises to be viel Spaß.
Bis Dann! (See you then!)
Starts | Thu 2nd Mar 2023 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Society EGM to choose new secretary/VP. We will be having a vote on candidates. Committee and members welcome.
Starts | Thu 16th Feb 2023 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 30 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Our big film quiz night will be an original quiz (made by the society) on the best of German film and TV. This quiz will be to celebrate this year's Berlinale Film festival in which the society wishes to celebrate in a unique, interactive and fun way!!
Starts | Thu 15th Dec 2022 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 60 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Get into the festive spirit by joining us for our last event of the semester, our Christmas Party in CB8 in the Callan Building - Thursday December 15th at 7pm!
We will have a Christmas Jumper Competition as well as a raffle - €3 for one line or €5 for 3 lines - all proceeds going to the SU Charity of the Year which is Threashold. We will also be playing some Christmas themed games including Christmas Bingo and Kahoot! Then we will go onto the SU!
We hope to see everyone there!
Starts | Tue 22nd Nov 2022 at 16:00 |
Ends | at 16:05 |
Cost | € 35.00 |
Max | 18 attendees |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Payments for our trip to Galway€35 (€31 for accommodation and €4 for stripe processing fee)
Please do not pay until you have spoken to us in the clubs and societies office.
Please only pay if you have received an email to confirm you have a place on the trip.
Starts | Mon 21st Nov 2022 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Join us along with the French and Spanish Societies to hear presentations from students about their Erasmus experience! This will be particularly beneficial to our 2nd year members, but it is open to everyone! We will provide pizza! You do not have to be a member of any of the above societies to come along!
Starts | Thu 29th Sep 2022 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 20:30 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Welcome back to MUDeutsch! We are so excited to have everyone back for this new year, and a huge Wilkommen to our new members! Join us at 6:30 in CB8 in the Callan Building (North Campus) for our first event of the year, our AGM! Here we will welcome you to the society, elect our new committee for the year, recap on last year and more!
More details about the event and how to run for a position can be found on our instagram (@mudeutsch). You need to have requested your membership of Deutsch and paid the €3 fee online in order to attend or run for a position.
We cant wait to meet everyone there!
Bis Bald! <3
Starts | Wed 23rd Mar 2022 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 100 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
We are hosting a Quiz night on March 23rd at 7pm in the SU Venue. Everyone is invited to attend, whether they are society members or not. Teams can compete in groups of 4 or 5 and the grand prize is €75 worth of JustEat vouchers. We will also have a raffle on the night, with prizes such as JustEat vouchers, MU merch, Chocolates, Champagne and much more!
Raffle prices are:
1 ticket - €2
3 tickets - €5
Raffle tickets will be available to buy from our committee on the night (cash required).
You can sign your team up here! (this only has to be done by one team member), and suggest a category of questions if you'd like!
Hope to see everyone there!
Starts | Thu 11th Nov 2021 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 20:30 |
Cost | € 2.00 |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo! Join us in the celebrations this St. Martin's Day! On the 11th of November, Germans celebrate the St. Martin by crafting lanterns, cooking geese and baking sweet pastries. This Thursday, we will be making our own St. Martin's lanterns, in collaboration with Arts, Crafts & Design society. €2 members' contribution will be collected on the night for materials cost.
Starts | Thu 30th Sep 2021 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Welcome to MU Deutsch 21/22! We are so happy to be back in person and we cannot wait four our AGM, which is the very first event of the year! At the AGM we will say hello to new members and also elect a full committee for the year. More details are on our social media. You need to have requested your membership of Deutsch and paid the €2 fee online in order to attend. Social distancing and masks will be required.
Starts | Wed 29th Sep 2021 at 10:00 |
Ends | at 17:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Hallo! Do you have a question about our society and the upcoming year? You can chat to us at our virtual fairs day stand on the 29th of September from 10am-5pm. Bis bald!
Starts | Tue 28th Sep 2021 at 09:00 |
Ends | at 13:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Leute! Come and chat to us about the upcoming year! We will have a stand outside JH (John Hume) on Tuesday the 21st and 28th of September from 9am to 1pm. Bis bald!
Starts | Tue 21st Sep 2021 at 09:00 |
Ends | at 13:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Max | 50 attendees |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Leute! Come and chat to us about the upcoming year! We will have a stand outside JH (John Hume) on Tuesday the 21st and 28th of September from 9am to 1pm. Bis bald!
Starts | Thu 22nd Apr 2021 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 20:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Join us for part 2 of our Disney collab! On Thursday night we will meet up for chats and you will also receive a little Cinderella themed activity book with German/English word searches, colouring pages etc.
Starts | Mon 19th Apr 2021 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 20:30 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Join us for a week of Disney bliss, in collaboration with Disney society! On Monday we will watch the 1950 Cinderella movie, so make sure to create a free account with Kast and then join the watch party! Part 2 will take place on Thursday of the same week.
Starts | Fri 30th Oct 2020 at 13:00 |
Ends | at 14:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | VIRTUAL Event |
Join us for our first Kaffee und Klatsch! This one will be special as Halloween is right around the corner, so be sure to have a costume ready (there's even gonna be a prize for best costume). Wir können es kaum abwarten :)
Starts | Mon 6th Nov 2017 at 19:30 |
Ends | Tue 7th Nov 2017 at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
  Hey there Kumpels,
Starts | Mon 6th Nov 2017 at 19:30 |
Ends | Tue 7th Nov 2017 at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
  Hey there Kumpels,
Starts | Thu 12th Oct 2017 at 18:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo there Kumpels,
Our first event of the year is taking place this week in JHL3 @6pm. We are soooo excited to be back and we cannot wait to see all the new and familiar faces!
We will be outlining our events for the year and looking back at the good ol' times!! And trust there will be plenty to forward to including:
-Outlining of Events
-Committee Elections
-Changes to the Constitution
-And plenty of Pizza, Spass and...... Grapejuice
We hope you can all join us at our AGM cos it's gonna be lit!
Thursday 12th October @6pm in JHL3
Bis gleich Leute x
Starts | Wed 8th Mar 2017 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 22:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Leute,
On 8th March our Quiz Night in aid of St Raphael's Special School will be taking place! Entry to the quiz is €2 per person and there's some great prizes to be won! Show us all just how clever you are, and how much you know about music, movies, sport, general knowledge and a little bit of German Culture!
Aaaaaand, given that it's so close to St Patrick's Day, we'll also be going out afterwards because we want to celebrate with all you Schatzes!
Hope to see you all there!
Mit Liebe,
Eure Deukuma Team
Starts | Wed 1st Mar 2017 at 10:00 |
Ends | at 13:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings!
On 1st March, we will be hosting a Kaffee & Kuchen Bake Sale in the Student Common Room! Anyone who's been to our Kaffee & Kuchen Morgen before will know that it's a fun morning to just sit back, relax and have a chat (auf Deutsch oder Englisch is up to you!).
This time round, we'll be raising funds for the society so that we can continue putting on great events and next year's committee will be able to put together another great plan, which would hopefully include another trip to Germany! So, we'll provide the Kaffee for free, and we ask that you buy a delicious Kuchen or two which will be lovingly prepared by the committee and some very generous members!
If you'd like to help out by baking something, give us a shout, we'd love as much support as we can get!
Mit Liebe,
Eure Deukuma Team
Starts | Mon 13th Feb 2017 at 18:30 |
Ends | at 20:30 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo Lieblings,
This Monday we'll having our first Filmabend of Semester 2! We'll be watching Honig im Kopf, a comedy drama about a young girl's last adventure with her grandfather before he is put in an old people's home due to his worsening case of Alzheimer's disease. The movie is directed by and starring Til Schweiger, one of the biggest names in German film, and is definitely not to be missed!
Hope to see you all there!
Bis dann,
Eure Deukuma Team
Starts | Wed 8th Feb 2017 at 18:00 |
Ends | Tue 7th Feb 2017 at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Moin Moin!
We hope Semester 2 is going well for everyone! This Wednesday we'll be hosting a Jump Back In Evening in Classhall J, where we'll be re-getting to know each other (just in case you've forgotten us!) plus we'll be welcoming some new Erasmus students and telling you about all we've got planned for this semester!
Of course there'll also be pizza and drinks in the SU afterwards ????
Hope to see plenty of you there!
Liebe Grüße,
Eure Deukuma Team
Starts | Mon 6th Feb 2017 at 00:00 |
Ends | Tue 7th Feb 2017 at 00:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Starts | Wed 30th Nov 2016 at 10:00 |
Ends | at 12:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo alle!
We are delighted to announce that next Wednesday the cultural attaché of the German Embassy, Peter Adams, will be visiting us to give a talk on the topic of Europe's future after Brexit and Trump! It's sure to be an interesting and insightful talk and Mr Adams is really looking forward to hearing what you all think! After the talk we'll be hosting another Kaffee and Kuchen, so come along, have some tea and biscuits and learn a little about Germany's role in Europe!
Bis dann,
Eure Deukuma Team
Starts | Mon 7th Nov 2016 at 18:00 |
Ends | Thu 3rd Nov 2016 at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
On Monday we'll be kicking off the return to college by watching the German comedy Fack ju Göhte! The movie, about a newly-released convict who is forced to become a substitute teacher in order to gain access to his buried loot that a school has been built over, is German language but will have English subtitles. Hope to see you all there!
Liebe Grüße,
Eure Deukuma Team
Starts | Wed 26th Oct 2016 at 10:00 |
Ends | at 11:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Our Kaffee & Kuchen morning will be taking place in the Common Room on Wednesday at 10am! Hope to see you all there for some Kaffee (or tea!), some German Kuchen and Kekse and a little bit of German Gespraech!
Liebe Grüße,
Eure Deukuma Team
Starts | Mon 24th Oct 2016 at 19:00 |
Ends | at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo alle!
Our very first official Stammtisch will be taking place in McMahon's on Monday. Hope to see you all there!
Starts | Wed 19th Oct 2016 at 18:00 |
Ends | Tue 18th Oct 2016 at 21:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo alle!
After much planning, the Deukuma AGM will be taking place on Wednesday 19th October! It'll be a chance for us all to get to know each other and have a bit of Spaß, as well as tell you all about our upcoming events which we're so excited about. If you have any questions or ideas that you want to share, we'd love to hear them!
And of course, no AGM would be complete without pizza!
Bis ganz bald!
Liebe Grüße,
Eure Deukuma Team
Starts | Wed 7th Dec 2016 at 18:30 |
Ends | 0000 at 00:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Hallo alle!
Wir sind ganz ganz aufgeregt, weil es fast Weihnachten ist!
Yes we are very, very excited because it's nearly Christmas! To celebrate we're having our own German-style Weihnachtsfeier, complete with Glühwein, Lebkuchen und Stollen! There'll be a few games (and chances to win a few little Geschenke for yourselves), food, music and chats, plus we'll be heading out afterwards!
Hope to see you all there in your best Christmas jumpers!
Bis ganz bald,
Eure Deukuma Team
Starts | Wed 23rd Nov 2016 at 18:00 |
Ends | 0000 at 00:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
Moin moin!
Next Wednesay 23rd November Deukuma will be going bowling (or, as the Germans call it, Kegeln), followed by drinks in Maynooth! We'll be meeting in front of the John Hume Building at 6pm and heading together to get the 67 bus to Base, bowling from 7.30-8.30 and then heading back to Maynooth together for a few drinks! Bowling will cost €5 per person :)
Hope to see you all there!
Bis dann,
Eure Deukuma Team
Starts | Wed 16th Nov 2016 at 16:00 |
Ends | 0000 at 00:00 |
Cost | FREE |
Type | IN-PERSON Event |
This Wednesday we'll be collabing with the Handball Society to play a bit of handball auf Deutsch followed by Stammtisch in the SU! Hope to see you all there!
Bis Bald,
Eure Deukuma Team
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