Classics Society

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New Committee (2024-2025)

Posted 23rd Sep 2024
Author KAT GUIRY (Secretary)

Hello Classics enthusiasts !

Welcome (or welcome back) to Maynooth. Here is your Classics committee for the 2024/2025 academic year. Check out our Instagram to learn more about each individual on the team !

We can’t wait to see what this year holds for the society; we look forward to seeing you at our events this year.

Membership is now open :)

New Committee

Posted 27th Oct 2021
Author Jessica Doherty (President)

Hi Everyone!

Some of you may know me and most of you may not. My name is Jessica Doherty(she/her), I am a final year student studying History and Greek and Roman Civilization and I am from Donegal. I wanted to introduce myself as the new President of the Classics Society! I previously was the Assistant Public Relations Officer but last week the Classics Society held our AGM and some positions in the committee were available. I am happy to say I was elected President after our previous president Adam stepped down. 

Along with Adam being elected as our new Events Officer, we also elected a new Vice President, Treasurer, and Year Reps. We will we posting and introducing our new committee members soon, so keep an eye on our TwitterInstagram and our own website for updates on that!! 

I am really excited to be President this year. It's my final year so I want to go out with a bang and hopefully help the Classics Society grow and and reach new people. The Classics Society already means so much to me and the people that I have met already are great friends. I cannot wait for the year ahead and the things that we have planned!!!

Hopefully I will se some of you at our upcoming events,


New Committee

Posted 27th Oct 2021
Author Jessica Doherty (President)

Hi Everyone!

Some of you may know me and most of you may not. My name is Jessica Doherty(she/her), I am a final year student studying History and Greek and Roman Civilization and I am from Donegal. I wanted to introduce myself as the new President of the Classics Society! I previously was the Assistant Public Relations Officer but last week the Classics Society held our AGM and some positions in the committee were available. I am happy to say I was elected President after our previous president Adam stepped down. 

Along with Adam being elected as our new Events Officer, we also elected a new Vice President, Treasurer, and Year Reps. We will we posting and introducing our new committee members soon, so keep an eye on our TwitterInstagram and our own website for updates on that!! 

I am really excited to be President this year. It's my final year so I want to go out with a bang and hopefully help the Classics Society grow and and reach new people. The Classics Society already means so much to me and the people that I have met already are great friends. I cannot wait for the year ahead and the things that we have planned!!!

Hopefully I will se some of you at our upcoming events,


Annual General Meeting

Posted 18th Oct 2021
Author Jessica (Assistant Public Relations)

Hi everyone!

This Wednesday the 20th we will be also hosting our AGM as well as our Mini Games Night. There are positions available; President, Events Officer, Treasurer and Year Rep. Feel free to come along to JHL2 this Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm. Everyone is more than welcome to attend and run for any of the available positions. Just prepare a few words as to why you feel you should be elected and if you have ideas or how you would help the society through your position!

Hope to see you all soon,


Mini-Olympics Game Night

Posted 17th Oct 2021
Author Adam Molyneaux (President)

Hey Everyone,

For our weekly event this Wednesday we are hosting our own Mini Olympics Game Night! We hope you can all attend, we can't wait to play some games and have some fun before the Halloween break. So feel free to come along to John Hume Lecture Hall 2 from 7pm-9pm! 

We hope to see you all there! 

Join the Classics Society Today!

Posted 10th Sep 2021
Author Adam Molyneaux (President)

Hey Everyone! 

The Classics Society is a group of students from a wide range of subjects that share a common interest in the Ancient World and it's civilisations! If you join our Society, you will be given special access to all of our Weekly Activities and Events revolving around the Ancient Mediterannean such as our past events like our Pub Quiz, Movie Night, Pizza Nights, and so much more.

You don't need to be an Ancient Greek & Roman Civ student in order to join as we always make our activities and events fun and accessible for everyone so that we can all have a bit of a laugh! 

The committee and I are really looking forward to seeing you all soon so make sure to register as a member so that you'll be notified by email about our upcoming events! See you there! 

Yours Sincerely,

Adam Molyneaux.


Helen McVeigh on 'The Greek Novel'

Posted 25th Nov 2020
Author Adam Molyneaux (President)

salvete omines! (Hey everyone!)

Everyone is invited to join in on Helen McVeigh's talk on 'The Greek Novel' on Thursday the 26th of Nov at 7pm! (via MS Teams)

Since this talk will be recorded we advise you to turn your camera off, if you prefer, just before we start recording. 

We hope to see you there! <3 

Book Club Night!

Posted 9th Nov 2020
Author Adam Molyneaux (President)

salvete omnes!(Hey Everyone!)

Everyone is more than welcome to join us for our Book Club Night at 7pm on the 19th of Nov, via our Discord!

During our book club we want to hear what books you're reading currently reading/starting and what recommendations you have for all of us. No one is expected to be a bookworm so don't worry about not reading as much as you'd like, as we'll be taking up everyone's tips that help them read! Your book(s) don't have to be Classics orientated so no need to worry for not reading Sappho's Fragments or Ovid's The Metamorphoses in your own time.

No one sane does that to themselves! We can't wait to see you all there! <3 

Virgil's 'The Aeneid' Dr. Maeve O'Brien

Posted 2nd Nov 2020
Author Adam Molyneaux (President)

salvete omnes (Hey all!)?

The Maynooth Classics Society are so happy to formally announce that on Tuesday, the 3rd of November, we will be hosting Dr. Maeve O'Brien's talk on Virgil's 'The Aeneid' at 7pm! The talk will be held on MS Teams, so make sure to click the link in our Events Page if you're not a member yet!

There'll be plenty of time at the end of the talk to pick Dr. Maeve O'Brien's brain over "the world's greatest poet" ! (according to Dr. O'Brien)

If you've any questions about the talk then don't hesitate to email us at

The committee hope to see you all there! <3

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