Classics Society

Ancient Greece and Rome made fun!

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Upcoming Events 6
Only logged in / active Classics Society members can book / attend these events
Paint and Sip Event
Thu 3rd Apr at 14:00
at 16:00
Location: Silken Thomas Yew

The Classics Society is pleased to announce a paint and sip event! This (non alcoholic) event is sure to be a nice break for members in the middle of a stressful week. We will be painting plates in a similar style to those painted in Ancient Greece! This event is suitable for all members, and is the perfect place to meet some new people! 

If you have any further questions or queries please reach out to us via email or instagram!

Olympics Charity Event : Discus Throw
Mon 7th Apr at 16:00
at 18:00
€ 2.00
Location: Main Sports Hall, Phoenix Building

The Classics Society is pleased to announce the first event of our annual charity event! This year our charity will be Doctors Without Borders, with the assistance of Maynooth’s own Friends of MSF society! On day one, we will be collaborating with the Ultimate Frisbee club in a ‘Discus throw with Apollo’ themed game. This event is open to everyone regardless of their skill level, however we ask that you donate a minimum of €2 to our charity of choice! Last year we raised over €300 and we hope to beat that this year. Our Frisbee event will be held in the Main Sports Hall in the Phoenix building between 4-6pm. We hope to see you there!

If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or Instagram!!

Olympics Charity Event: Karate with Ares
Tue 8th Apr at 18:00
at 19:30
€ 2.00
Location: PE Hall, Phoenix Building

The Classics Society is pleased to announce the second event of our annual charity event! This year our charity will be Doctors Without Borders, with the assistance of Maynooth’s own Friends of MSF society! On day two, we will be collaborating with the Karate club in a ‘Karate with Ares’ themed class. This event is open to everyone regardless of their skill level, however we ask that you donate a minimum of €2 to our charity of choice! Last year we raised over €300 and we hope to beat that this year. Our Karate event will be held in the PE Hall in the Phoenix building between 6-7:30pm. We hope to see you there!

If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or Instagram!!

Olympics Charity Event: Dodgeball
Wed 9th Apr at 14:00
at 15:00
€ 2.00
Location: Main Sports Hall, Phoenix Building

The Classics Society is pleased to announce the third event of our annual charity event! This year our charity will be Doctors Without Borders, with the assistance of Maynooth’s own Friends of MSF society! On day three, we will be collaborating with the Dodgeball club in a ‘Dodgeball with Hermes’ themed game. This event is open to everyone regardless of their skill level, however we ask that you donate a minimum of €2 to our charity of choice! Last year we raised over €300 and we hope to beat that this year. Our Dodgeball event will be held in the Main Sports Hall in the Phoenix building between 2-3pm. We hope to see you there!

If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or Instagram!!

Olympics Charity Event: Archery
Thu 10th Apr at 11:00
at 13:00
€ 2.00
Location: Main Sports Hall

The Classics Society is pleased to announce the last event of our annual charity event! This year our charity will be Doctors Without Borders, with the assistance of Maynooth’s own Friends of MSF society! On day four, we will be collaborating with the Archery club in an ‘Archery with Artemis’ themed game. This event is open to everyone regardless of their skill level, however we ask that you donate a minimum of €2 to our charity of choice! Last year we raised over €300 and we hope to beat that this year. Our Archery event will be held in the Main Sports Hall in the Phoenix building between 11-1pm. We hope to see you there!

If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or Instagram!!

no image Olympics Charity Event: Closing Ceremony
Thu 10th Apr at 18:00
at 23:00
Location: Rye Spaces 1 & 2

Following our (hopefully) successful charity event, we will be hosting an Olympics Closing Ceremony! A chance for us all to unwind after a long week and to reconnect with the members of the clubs we collaborated with, we will be celebrating the end of our event. This event is open to any member of our society or any collaborating society! We hope to see you there!

If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to reach out via email or Instagram!

Paint and Sip Event

Starts Thu 3rd Apr at 14:00
Ends at 16:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Silken Thomas Yew

The Classics Society is pleased to announce a paint and sip event! This (non alcoholic) event is sure to be a nice break for members in the middle of a stressful week. We will be painting plates in a similar style to those painted in Ancient Greece! This event is suitable for all members, and is the perfect place to meet some new people! 

If you have any further questions or queries please reach out to us via email or instagram!

Olympics Charity Event : Discus Throw

Starts Mon 7th Apr at 16:00
Ends at 18:00
Cost € 2.00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Main Sports Hall, Phoenix Building

The Classics Society is pleased to announce the first event of our annual charity event! This year our charity will be Doctors Without Borders, with the assistance of Maynooth’s own Friends of MSF society! On day one, we will be collaborating with the Ultimate Frisbee club in a ‘Discus throw with Apollo’ themed game. This event is open to everyone regardless of their skill level, however we ask that you donate a minimum of €2 to our charity of choice! Last year we raised over €300 and we hope to beat that this year. Our Frisbee event will be held in the Main Sports Hall in the Phoenix building between 4-6pm. We hope to see you there!

If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or Instagram!!

Olympics Charity Event: Karate with Ares

Starts Tue 8th Apr at 18:00
Ends at 19:30
Cost € 2.00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: PE Hall, Phoenix Building

The Classics Society is pleased to announce the second event of our annual charity event! This year our charity will be Doctors Without Borders, with the assistance of Maynooth’s own Friends of MSF society! On day two, we will be collaborating with the Karate club in a ‘Karate with Ares’ themed class. This event is open to everyone regardless of their skill level, however we ask that you donate a minimum of €2 to our charity of choice! Last year we raised over €300 and we hope to beat that this year. Our Karate event will be held in the PE Hall in the Phoenix building between 6-7:30pm. We hope to see you there!

If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or Instagram!!

Olympics Charity Event: Dodgeball

Starts Wed 9th Apr at 14:00
Ends at 15:00
Cost € 2.00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Main Sports Hall, Phoenix Building

The Classics Society is pleased to announce the third event of our annual charity event! This year our charity will be Doctors Without Borders, with the assistance of Maynooth’s own Friends of MSF society! On day three, we will be collaborating with the Dodgeball club in a ‘Dodgeball with Hermes’ themed game. This event is open to everyone regardless of their skill level, however we ask that you donate a minimum of €2 to our charity of choice! Last year we raised over €300 and we hope to beat that this year. Our Dodgeball event will be held in the Main Sports Hall in the Phoenix building between 2-3pm. We hope to see you there!

If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or Instagram!!

Olympics Charity Event: Archery

Starts Thu 10th Apr at 11:00
Ends at 13:00
Cost € 2.00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Main Sports Hall

The Classics Society is pleased to announce the last event of our annual charity event! This year our charity will be Doctors Without Borders, with the assistance of Maynooth’s own Friends of MSF society! On day four, we will be collaborating with the Archery club in an ‘Archery with Artemis’ themed game. This event is open to everyone regardless of their skill level, however we ask that you donate a minimum of €2 to our charity of choice! Last year we raised over €300 and we hope to beat that this year. Our Archery event will be held in the Main Sports Hall in the Phoenix building between 11-1pm. We hope to see you there!

If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email or Instagram!!

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Olympics Charity Event: Closing Ceremony

Starts Thu 10th Apr at 18:00
Ends at 23:00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Rye Spaces 1 & 2

Following our (hopefully) successful charity event, we will be hosting an Olympics Closing Ceremony! A chance for us all to unwind after a long week and to reconnect with the members of the clubs we collaborated with, we will be celebrating the end of our event. This event is open to any member of our society or any collaborating society! We hope to see you there!

If you have any further questions or queries please don’t hesitate to reach out via email or Instagram!

Weekly Activity 1
Only logged in / active Classics Society members can book / attend this activity
no image Tea & Coffee Morning
Location: Silken Thomas Yew

Every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm the Classics Society will hold their weekly Tea & Coffee morning ! All are welcome to attend :)

The activity will be held in Silken Thomas Yew, which is upstairs in the MSU Info Centre unless stated otherwise. Keep an eye on our socials (@Classicssoc) for any changes that may be made to our T&C mornings and for more information on our big monthly events ! We hope to see you there :)

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Tea & Coffee Morning

Day Tuesdays
From 10:00, to 12:00
Max 15 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Activity

Location: Silken Thomas Yew

Every Wednesday from 10am - 12pm the Classics Society will hold their weekly Tea & Coffee morning ! All are welcome to attend :)

The activity will be held in Silken Thomas Yew, which is upstairs in the MSU Info Centre unless stated otherwise. Keep an eye on our socials (@Classicssoc) for any changes that may be made to our T&C mornings and for more information on our big monthly events ! We hope to see you there :)

About Classics Society

Maynooth University's Classics Society is set up by students for students with an interest in the Ancient World!

We welcome anyone with an interest in Ancient Greece & Rome, be it academic or personal, no matter what course you choose to study. So far we've a diverse range of students from Maths, English and Bio-Chem so please feel free to join in on our Weekly Activities and Events! Often the people who join our society are those with an interest in the ancient worlds of Greece, Rome, their myths and lifestyles! 

Our events range from movie and pizza nights, coffee mornings, pub quizzes and more!

Current Committee 12
Secretary KAT GUIRY
Public Relations Officer ATHENA FUSCIARDI
Equipment Officer HANNAH
Events Officer (name hidden)
International Representative SASKIA HASS
Ordinary Committee Member SARAH ELIZABETH MEANEY
Second Year Rep Eon

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