Chinese Society

Bring Chinese to Maynooth!

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About Chinese Society

The Maynooth University Chinese Society is a student-run society for all students currently studying at Maynooth. It is a non-profit organization. We initiate, lead and plan events in a variety of fields, including social, cultural and academic. Our aim is to bring a richer and more successful experience at the University of Maynooth to Chinese students and those studying or just interested in Chinese language and culture. We are particularly devoted to promoting educational and cultural exchange between China and Ireland, bridging the gaps between the Eastern and the Western world. If you are a Chinese student in Maynooth or you are interested in Chinese culture, food, etc. We all welcome you on board. Let's have fun together.

Current Committee 5
Chairperson WEN QIAN CHONG
Chairperson IVAN XUE
Secretary HEI-LAM TSOI
Public Relations Officer LING WEN WINNIE

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