Fencing Club

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2018/2019 MU Award: Club Executive of the Year
2018/2019 MU Award: Best Poster
2018/2019 MU Award: Clubs League

All Fencing News Posted

Maynooth Novice Open

Posted 8th Feb 2023
Author Kevin Jackson (Captain)

Maynooth fencing is happy to announce that Mayooth novice will return this year for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic. Details are as followed:

Date: 4th-5th March 2023

Location: Phoenix Building, Maynooth University, North campus, Small Sports Hall and P.E Hall

Entry Cost:

 â‚¬15 - One Weapon

 â‚¬20 - Two Weapons

 â‚¬25 - Three Weapons

Entries close: 1st March, 2023. Late fees will apply for entries after this date

This competition is for fencers with less than two years experience as in previous years. Mens foil, women's epee and women's sabre will run on the Saturday, check in times at 9:45, 10:45 and 11: 45 respectively. Womens foil, men's epee and men's sabre will run on the Saturday, check in times at 10:45, 11:45 and 12: 45 respectively. 

The sign up link is as follows: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0duw3hNXN-duFijOLl7INARFmHfPMiR--mpgvmEFhXlzBGw/viewform?usp=sf_link

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.


Kevin Jackson

Captain, MU Fencing

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