Archery Club

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2023/2024 MU Award: Best Athlete
2017/2018 MU Award: Best First Year Athlete

All Archery News Posted

Fairs Day 2nd Wednesday

Posted 29th Sep 2024

We are getting ready to start the year and we would like to tell everyone who is thinking about joining us that we will be going to the Fairs day. Come find us and you can ask any of your questions!

Training start date

Posted 29th Sep 2024

Hi everyone, 

We are delighted to announce that the start date for training will be 7th of October. Training times will be the same as last year but we will not be hosting evening training on Fridays this year. Please see our description or social medias for more information.

So dust off those skills or get excited to start while getting yourself ready for training to begin!

Training Sign Up (15-19 November)

Posted 13th Nov 2021
Author Em (Captain)

Here's the sign up sheet for next week, sorry for the delay. hope to see you there!

Training Sign Up (8 - 12 November)

Posted 5th Nov 2021
Author Em (Captain)

Here's the sign up for next week, hope to see you there. To help facilitate our coach, we will require members who attend to have already been trained to shoot.

Training Sign Up 1st-5th November

Posted 29th Oct 2021
Author Emily

Hope you all had a great study week and enjoyed spooky season!
We'll be back training starting on Monday. Unfortunately to better facilitate our coach, we will not be able to accept new members on Fridays. If you have  already been trained by the club, you are more than welcome to attend.
The recent change to COVID guidelines have not changed the current advice from Sports Ireland. This means we must continue the sign up system.

Here's the sign up sheet:

I look forward to seeing you in training!!!

Training Sign Up (18-22 October)

Posted 15th Oct 2021
Author Em Hynes (Captain)

Here's the sign up sheet for next week.

Look forward to seeing you next week!

Welcome Back

Posted 4th Oct 2021
Author Em (Captain)

I'd like to welcome you all (back) to MU Archery!!! I'm Emily (just call me Em for short), and I'm captain of the club this year. You'll be pleased to hear that we will be resuming training on Monday 11th October in the main sports hall inside the phoenix building.

Training Times 2021/22
Monday 13:00-16:00
Tuesday 14:00-16:00
Thursday 11:00-13:00
Friday 13:00-15:00, 18:30-21:00*
(*Friday 18:30 training subject to demand and committee availability)

Due to COVID-19 guidance from Sports Ireland and Maynooth University, we will be using a booking system to help ensure a safe environment to shoot and keep crowds to a minimum! I'll email out the first form this Friday, but future forms will be posted on Discord. If you do not want to be in the club Discord, email us and we will accommodate you.

We also now have a Discord server so we can chat outside of training. It'll also be used to give updates and host the sign up sheets.

Regardless of whether you've been shooting all your life, or have never touched a bow before, you're all welcome to attend training! We're all nice people and will happily help you learn to shoot. 

If you have any questions feel free to email the club (or use the Discord). I look forward to seeing you in training!

No Training next week

Posted 28th Sep 2019
Author Emily

Hey Archers, 

Unfortunately there'll be no training next week (starting 30th September) due to the hall being unavailable. However, we will be at our booth during the clubs and socs fairs day (3rd October) if you want to join the club. Just make sure you've applied to join the club on MU life and bring €2 so we can confirm your membership. No archery experience is required to join, and we provide all the equipment and training you'll need. 

Welcome Back

Posted 19th Sep 2019
Author Emily

Hey Archers, 

Hope you all had an amazing summer!!! We'll be starting up training again this year. For now training times will be posted on a weekly basis so please keep an eye on our Facebook and MU Life pages. The times for our first week are Monday 23rd September 2pm-5pm and Friday 27th 2pm-5pm in the Main Sports Hall. Beginners and returning members feel free to come along and confirm your club membership. We provide all the equipment you'll need to shoot. 

Welcome Back

Posted 5th Feb 2018

First of all welcome back to a whole new semsester and biy have i got news for you! this semester is going be busy for our archers as we compete in four IVs over the course of the semseter. The first of these IVs is taking place this very weekend in UL on February 11th so watch this space for an update on how we got on. The next IV after that takes place jus two weeks later in Cork on the 24th and 25th, The deadline for the sign up for that IV is the 9th so if you want to go you better hurry! the final two IVs are in Galway so hopefully our band of merry-people will have a bit more rest before they represent us again. 

Archery Christmas Dinner

Posted 30th Jan 2018

So, it was that time of year again. Reeds decorated the doorways of houses, candles stood in windows across the land, not a mouse did stir across the halls of John Hume,yes it was indeed Christmas in Maynooth. With the heart-wrenching loss of Maynooth Christmas Day and the season of jolly good cheer almost over in our fair college the Maynooth Archery Club stood vigil. "No, they said we hall continue our tradition of Christamas dinner" we said and continue we did, Chill was our establisment and in place of turkey wraps and crisps galore was to be had, t'was truly a christmas miricle. All did gather from Committee members to the common club members for this special occasion. Heres to another proud Christmas dinner, long may we have ye.

Archery Tournaments Viewing

Posted 30th Jan 2018

On Friday 10th November the archery cub gathered in JH4 from 6-9 P.M to watch archery tournaments from the prevoius weeks. This was done both as a bonding exercise for the team shooting in the DKIT IV and to bond the whole club as a whole by wathing how the real professionals do it! soft drinks and crisps were provided and a blast was had by all. Heres hoping such a tradition continues in the club.

Halloween Shoot

Posted 29th Jan 2018

So, on the satarday before all hallows eve our archers gathered in the Large Sports Hall for our annual haloween shoot. This gave many of our new archers their first chance to breath in a competitive archery experience. on behalf of the committee i want to thank everyone who came to shoot, everyone who helped set up the hall and then take everything down again, previous committee members Conor Newman and Sam Gibson for supervising the shoot, with special thanks to Diego Coyle Diez for freely giving his time to judge. below are the placements for the competition, congratuations to all.

1st Place Advanced Barebow: Eoin De Brit

3rd Place Advanced Barebow: Ciaran Martin

2nd Place Beginner Barebow Female: Tara Devlin

3nd Place Beginner Barebow Female: Sofia Nykolyuk

3rd Place Beginner Barebow Male: Lyndon Heffernan

3rd Place Compound Male: James R Floyd

2nd  Place Intermediate recurve Male: James Greer


Posted 29th Jan 2018

Hey Guys,the results from the DKIT IV are in and finally up on on msu life and it was another great competition for the club! Congratulations to everyone who placed!

1st Advanced Barebow Male: Eoin De Brit

2nd Beginner Barebow Female: Teghan Oswald

2nd Barebow Team: Lyndon Heffernan, Teaghan Oswald and Eoin De Brit

1st Mixed Team: Eoin De Brit, Connor Newman and James R Floyd

Congratulations again to all and lets keep aiming higher!


Posted 29th Jan 2018

The results from the DCU IV are in and finally up on on msu life and it was another great competition for the club! 

3rd Beginner Barebow Male: Lyndon Heffernan

3rd Beginner Barebow Female: Juliani Videl

2nd Advanced Barebow Male: Eoin De Brit

3rd Compound Female: Katja Joahnna Moerschner

2nd Barebow Team: Lyndon Heffernan, Jualiani Videl and Eoin De Brit

2nd Mixed Team: Eoin De Brit, Connor Newman and Jack Brophy

Congratulations to all, lets hope we keep it up!

First Weekly Update

Posted 18th Oct 2017

Hey everyone and welcome to the first update on what s  up in Maynooths  own Archery club!  ? ??  make  sure to keep an eye to this page to see all the updates posted weekly on what s  been going on. 

So   what s  happened in our fair club? I hear you ask well, in these early weeks of term we've taken the bull by the horns and began this year s  archery season on the best foot possible by having our first coached training sessions on Tuesdays, make sure to drop by if you ever wanted to improve your form. As well as coached  sessions we recruited over 150 new archers to the club on the clubs and fairs day on the 28th  of September Finally, we had our AGM on the 5th  of October where we elected the remaining members of our committee, the full committee members and their  roles can be seen in the last update on this page.  and  that’s it,  make sure to keep an eye on the page for what s  going on  in the club. 


Posted 9th Oct 2017

A big thank you to everybody that came to the AGM on Thursday ! We had a great attendance and I was delighted to see so many of you. We now have our full committee elected:


President: Lucas Jeanniot?

Captain: Hugh Farrell?

Secretary: James Greer?

Treasurer: Shaheer Ahmad?

APO: Bryana Gilomen?

PRO-Media: Stephen O'Keeffe?

PRO-Design: Ian Fennell?

Safety Officer: James R Floyd?

Equipment Officer: Matthew Ross?

Transport Officer: Eoin Davey?

First-Year Rep: Sofia Nykolyuk?

International Rep: Bérénice de Pol

Ordinary Committee Members: Jack Brophy? Tara Devlin

Relay for Life

Posted 28th Mar 2017
Author Hugh Farrell

Well done to all members of the archery club who took part in the Relay for Life, in aid of cancer research. Particularly worthy of mention are Adam West and Ursula Carley, who were dedicated enough to keep walking all through the night to raise money to fight cancer!

MU Archers in Irish Indoor Natio

Posted 9th Mar 2017

Congratulations to our MU archers, Diego Coyle Diez, Connor Newman and Hugh Farrell who competed in the Irish Indoor Nationals. Unfortunately they were beaten by the narrowest of margins in a shoot off against Dolmen Archers

Irish Student Nationals, hosted

Posted 28th Feb 2017
Author Hugh Farrell

The Student Nationals were held last weekend in Nemo Rangers GAA club in Cork. MU Archers dominated the proceedings, winning more medals than any other club as well as taking several golds. The full list of winners is below:


1st Recurve Team: Connor Newman, Sinead O Connell and Diego Coyle Diez

1st Barebow Team: Eoin DeBrit, Ciaran Martin and Charlotte Company Bourdes

3rd Mixed Team: James Floyd, Connor Newman and Eoin DeBrit

1st Male Barebow: Eoin DeBrit

2nd Female Barebow: Charlotte Company Bourdes

3rd Recurve Male: Hugh Farrell


Congratulations to all the MU Shooters! 


Posted 28th Feb 2017
Author Hugh Farrell

Maynooth Archers continued their amazing run of form in the UCD IV wininng 1st place recurve team, 3rd place mixed tam, 3rd place compound team, first place beginner barebow male and 3rd place beginner barebow male, and 2nd place advance recurve female. A big congratulations to all shooters!

MU Archers Bring Home Silverware

Posted 14th Feb 2017
Author Hugh Farrell

The latest Archery IV in IT Carlow went incredibly well for the MU Archery Club. Coming first in Recurve team and Barebow team events, it is the best performance of the year so far.


The full list of MU winners:


2nd place recurve advance: Sinéad O'Connell

1st place beginner barebow: Eoin de Brit

3rd place beginner barebow: Sean Potts

1st place recurve team: Sinead O'Connell Hugh Farrell Domhnall Ó Póil Sam Gibson

1st place barebow team: Eoin de Brit Sean Potts Darren Watkin

2nd place mixed team: Sinead O'Connell Eoin de Brit James R Floyd

Welcome back!

Posted 1st Feb 2017
Author Hugh Farrell

Hi everyone and welcome back to the second semester! We have a pretty packed few weeks coming up, with several IVs and the students nationals. Please see below for competition dates:



ITC February 5th

UCD February 18th

Student Nationals: UCC February 25th/26th

ITT March 11th

Archery/Trampolining Crossover

Posted 15th Nov 2016
Author Hugh Farrell

The Archery Club was delighted to have the opportunity to share the Large Sports Hall today with the Trampolining Club for their annual 24 hour Bounceathon,  in aid of St. Raphael's School, Celbridge. We wish the Tramps the best in the rest of the event and hope that they raise plenty of money! 

MU Archers Storm DCU IV

Posted 14th Nov 2016
Author Hugh Farrell
Congratulations to all of our members who participated in the first inter varsity of the year in DCU. You are a credit to the club and to the college and I'm very proud of you all!
We came back with winners in each category!
3rd place beginner barebow female: Charlotte Robin
3rd place intermediate recurve male: Mark Christiansen
2nd place advance recurve male: John Power
3rd place advance recurve male: Diego Coyle Diez
2nd place advance recurve female: Sinead O' Connell
1st place recurve team: John Power, Diego Coyle Diez, Sinead O'Connell, Domhnall Ó Póil
3rd place barebow team: Eoin De Brit, Darren Watkin, Adam West
2nd place mixed team: John Power, James R Floyd, Eoin De Brit

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