
Scouts, something for anyone who is adventurous!

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Awards Roll of Honour
2021/2022 MU Award: Club Event of the Year
2017/2018 MU Award: Most Improved Club
2016/2017 MU Award: Club Event of the Year
Upcoming Event 1
Only logged in / active Rovers members can book / attend this event
Sat 8th Feb at 18:00
Sun 9th Feb at 12:00
€ 65.00
Location: Osprey Hotel, Naas

From Scouting Ireland:
"Ceiliúradh is the final step in the Rover Service project cycle. It is all about celebrating the work carried out by rover crews within their section, group and wider community. It gives rover crews the chance to share their experience from their service project as well as connect with other crews, all the while inspiring others to take on service projects of their own. This Ceiliúradh will be a special one as there has not been an event such as this for rovers since before the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to this, there have been 4 years of projects that have not been celebrated. To make this a memorable celebration of all the work carried out by rovers our theme is "A night at the Roscars"(Rover Oscars). Rovers, their Advisors and Group leaders will be able to nominate individuals and crews to receive a Roscars. This could be for exceptional service within a rover section, a completed rover service project or an award for special recognition. The event will take place in a formal setting with attendees encouraged to dress formally. A meal will be served following the awards ceremony. The award ceremony will then take place. Following the awards ceremony there will be a dance. Any questions on this event please contact Any questions about the booking please contact Please note that all youth members will be expected to complete Safe from Harm training module 1 (SfH 1: Safe from Harm Essential Learnings) and submit proof of completion to the National Rover team. The module may be found at:"


Starts Sat 8th Feb at 18:00
Ends Sun 9th Feb at 12:00
Cost € 65.00
Max 20 attendees
Type IN-PERSON Event

Location: Osprey Hotel, Naas

From Scouting Ireland:
"Ceiliúradh is the final step in the Rover Service project cycle. It is all about celebrating the work carried out by rover crews within their section, group and wider community. It gives rover crews the chance to share their experience from their service project as well as connect with other crews, all the while inspiring others to take on service projects of their own. This Ceiliúradh will be a special one as there has not been an event such as this for rovers since before the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to this, there have been 4 years of projects that have not been celebrated. To make this a memorable celebration of all the work carried out by rovers our theme is "A night at the Roscars"(Rover Oscars). Rovers, their Advisors and Group leaders will be able to nominate individuals and crews to receive a Roscars. This could be for exceptional service within a rover section, a completed rover service project or an award for special recognition. The event will take place in a formal setting with attendees encouraged to dress formally. A meal will be served following the awards ceremony. The award ceremony will then take place. Following the awards ceremony there will be a dance. Any questions on this event please contact Any questions about the booking please contact Please note that all youth members will be expected to complete Safe from Harm training module 1 (SfH 1: Safe from Harm Essential Learnings) and submit proof of completion to the National Rover team. The module may be found at:"

About Rovers

Rovers is Maynooth university's outdoor pursuits club. We love getting out and about, down and dirty, and generally having a good time while exploring new places & experiences So how does standing on top of a mountain and proclaiming your triumph to the whole world sound? Good, yeah? What about scrambling up a wall like some kind of elegant monkey? Or basking in the dusky glow of a burning campfire while stuffing your face with marshmallows? These are just some of the many things that Rovers do, and if you want to be part of the fun, then simply join our club when fairs day comes around!

Current Committee 10
Secretary (name hidden)
Public Relations Officer LUKE JOSEPH MORAN
Equipment Officer KAUSTUBHI
Events Officer CAOIMHE
Events Officer AMELIA FLYNN
Health and Safety Officer Holly DUFFY
Vice Chairperson GRACE BYRNE

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